The Great Reverse Diet Debate

Oh my..! I’m so excited to share this delicious discussion with you all who may not have stumbled upon it yet. Here’s the Reverse Diet debate introducing all the biggest, strongest and smartest people in the industry going over the science and real life ( bro 🙂 ) experience behind reverse dieting. Menno Henselmans, Eric Helms, Layne Norton and Peter Fitschen, the arena is yours! Check this S**T out guys and gals! ❤ ❤

So what do I think about reverse dieting, the idea of metabolic damage, or the discussion above? Well, I have to conclude that in the end all the guys seemed to reach consensus – over the big lines, at least.

As a scientist I’ve always loved Menno’s calm and practical way of thinking and making his point ( that doesn’t mean he’s not drool- erm, lovable, in other ways as well 😉 ). We have to use the data available and in the correct way. You can’t  just throw around anecdotal evidence from one or two clients not losing weight or blah, blah. It’s true that sometimes you forget to take into consideration the loss of muscle mass and other metabolically active tissue during dieting and that way it appears that your metabolic rate has dropped more than what would seem if you simply account for the weight lost. So some of the “metabolic damage” labels that get thrown around are probably just lowered metabolic rates due to active tissue lost and also hormonal changes due to dieting that aren’t yet adapted to the “new normal”.

Still, there are outliers. I have witnessed patients’ bodies doing most weirdest things not explained (yet, anyway) by science and what we understand from basic endocrinology – my body included. I’ve met people that I really know are accurate about their food logging and are eating 1000 kcals a day, exercising, and still unable to lose weight, or even worse, gaining. Mostly, though, the drop in metabolic efficiency of the body can be explained by science and there is no magical, irreversible “damage” that one can do by dieting.

Here’s a link to a research paper going over Dr. Chris Fahs’, who’s also a natural bodybuilder, competition prep and recovery from competition. For example, his testosterone, thyroid hormone and leptin values decreased dramatically while the diet progressed. They did return to normal after a period of caloric surplus – but the thyroid and leptin values were still lower than before the beginning of contest prep, especially leptin. What do I make of this? It takes a long time for the body’s endocrine system to adapt and return to normal after a period of dieting into low bodyfat and restricting calorie intake. It may be, that some individuals are more sensitive to hormonal state disruptions that way appear as “metabolic damage”.

I have to be honest and say that I’m a little disappointed in Layne’s part in the discussion. When I met him at his seminar in Helsinki last June, especially his “Putting Science Into Prep” presentation was great. He was reasonable and took into consideration both the health and career of a physique athlete. He was adamant that you first need to make sure you are getting enough calories and you’re metabolically healthy before you can continue to diet and compete. Now in the debate he many times talked about the “wishes” of his clients to stay very lean year around. I don’t know if that’s a healthy approach to use. Some (many) people may be suffering from eating disorders – and that’s an issue that Layne and Sohee Lee have themselves brought up many times as well. So, what the heck, Layne?!

I’ve seen Layne as especially the one to have the balls to say out loud when someone is doing more damage than good to themselves. He shouldn’t have any problems to have enough clients. That someone simply “wants” something that’s not good them for isn’t really a reason to give it to them, is it? That could be equated with an example that I would write prescriptions of narcotics to every patient that asks them and justify my actions by saying that they know the risks, it’s not my fault if they decide to abuse drugs, and if I don’t write the prescription, some other “corrupt” colleague will. NO WAY. I have my ethics as a doctor, and I hope trainers and coaches in the fitness industry also have theirs. We all have to do more good than harm – especially in the long run. Even with an athlete, is placing well in their next competition worth ruining their health for the next year or longer, maybe for a lifetime? You have to look at the big picture and long term goals for your patient / client / trainee.

Regarding the debate and practical considerations about reverse dieting, I think I’m leaning to mostly agree with Eric Helms’s point of view. After a long diet, an adequate caloric surplus (to your dieting calories!) is necessary to boost both mental and physical recovery as long as you don’t go completely overboard. Subsisting on low calories that you raise way too slowly after a diet will only lengthen your recovery into another progressive training season. No one is saying that you need to raise your calories immediately into a 1000 kcal surplus in a period where your body is metabolically primed to vacuum every morsel of energy into fat stores – just in case if you decide to abuse it again with a new diet. But you still should raise enough. 100-150 kcals every other week is…torture. But that’s only my opinion.

I guess I could ramble on and on about this :). Watch the video, and make your own conclusions! I’d love to hear what you think! ❤



Is Strong Really The New Sexy?

We’ve all seen the memes. “Strong is the new skinny”. “Strong is the new beautiful”. “Strong is the new sexy”. Even “Strong is the new healthy” – I mean, come on, there’s nothing healthy about squatting 150 kilos if your joints, ligaments and vertebral discs are asked, is there?

For me as an aspiring strength athlete and a woman it seems this new trend is only another way of forcing us into a certain mold. A surely eye-appeasing mold for some, but still something that is defined by others. Society. Men. Other women. Marketers. Snake oil weight-loss product salespeople.

In the last few years, the pressure has been on for young women – and men – more than ever to fit (pun intended) even a more demanding stereotype of looking good. The fitness look.

Image source

I mean, come on, have you seen any “strong-is-the-new-what-the-heck-ever” memes / “inspirational” images with ordinary people in them? Even ordinary people who look like they lift? If you have, please send the link to me. Because what I’ve seen is photoshopped twenty-something fitness models in teeny weeny skintight attire. I guess some people are motivated to work out by looks. And that’s fine. But… Focusing on your appearance as the prime motivator for exercising can lead to some very unhealthy behavior models.

In the past, we women only had skinny, borderline or straight anorexic models to look up to, and all you “had to do” to try and achieve that “look” was to starve yourself. Or binge and purge, if you had bulimic tendencies. Nowadays, that’s not enough. You still have to starve yourself, but now you also must run or cycle for hours every day and lift hard and heavy. And have breast augmentation surgery.

I like how my body looks due to years of lifting. I’ve always loved toned, muscular physiques since my early teenage years. But it’s not my first priority. I don’t know if it should be anyone’s. My outside appearance is just a bonus. When I look at myself in the mirror, I can at the same time be satisfied and proud of myself and still objectively evaluate my physique. Do I need bigger and rounder delts? What about my thigh side sweep? Is my back wide enough? Even if I would in the future compete in figure, I don’t intend to ever let my looks dictate how I should feel about myself. A competition placement or having or not having washboard abs should never define your value as a person.

This is the kind of image that motivates me to keep on lifting:

Edith Traina, a 94-year old powerlifting World Champion

Why do I lift weights? The reasons are numerous. Simply being strong is great. Lifting heavy shit I see men struggle to move, whether it be a bar loaded with plates or a huge couch, is awesome. I also crave the physical rush of endorphins, and the emotional high of accomplishment. My mood is so much better when I exercise regularly. I like to push myself and test my limits, but also enjoy the daily grind. Getting a new PR is always a great confidence booster, but just going in to the gym and doing my assigned workout is motivating for me. I like daily routines and can stand slow progress.

I also want to be as healthy and strong as possible when I grow old. With my numerous medical conditions – asthma, immunodeficiency, adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, hypertension, not to mention my troublesome spine with scoliosis, spondylosis and olisthesis I would be so much worse if I wouldn’t keep myself in shape. Regarding my health, keeping my weight under control by exercising and eating a balanced diet is also important.

Lifting is a lifestyle for me. Your reasons to lift weights and what motivates you may be similar to mine of differ substantially. Find your own reason.

“Whatever your body type is, just use it.”

Hammer thrower Amanda Bingson, ESPN Body Issue 2015
Amanda Bingson’s interview: ESPN Body Issue 2015

Strong is just strong. Period. How about we quit continuosly looking in the mirror and concentrate on hitting those PR’s instead? With or without makeup. Nails painted or not. Wearing form-fitting, latest-fashion gym clothes or worn-out sweatpants with a baggy T-shirt. Not caring if it’s trendy, sexy, or even sane. It’s simply what we love to do. Lift.

